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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Are You a Greedy Person?

May be you are one of those greedy people who are munching all the time. This can be a sign of some problems in your physical health. There are some various kinds of greed. Such as point by point, emotional, psychological greed. The most harmful problems which each of them can cause are: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, high cloistral, etc. Also it can have bad effect on personal imagery of their characteristics.

By the term point by point, we mean that some people eat a lot in some certain situations such as, ceremonies, weddings, parties and so on. They can not even choose what they are going to eat and how much they are going to full their stomach. This kind of greed is not concealed and it may be caused from fatigue ness, anxiety or exhilaration.

Some times some people eat a lot because of some changes in their routine life or may be for the reason that they are depressed. We call this kind of gluttony emotional greed. Some of those patients regard this way in order to forget their discussions and struggles with their family or their friends or they consider it as a way of diverting their minds to some thing completely different so as to become soothed. This kind of gluttony which is called a psychological greed is very common.

Eating a lot while you are nervous or when you feel sad after eating, definitely you suffer from this disease. Since greedy people always have a lot of physical, mental and emotional problems the disease must be cured as soon as possible but going on different kinds of diets do not solve problem. The best way is to consult with a psychologist.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Concept of Hijab

Broadly speaking, Hijab is a variety of covering in which men and women try to have, in order to protect themselves and their society against any kind of deviations. This covering can be whether related to our appearance or to the ways of our looking, behaving, thinking and so on. It is inadvisable that we, as the only creatures who have the authority to live without any kind of forces, we can choose the way of our covering and behaving ourselves. But this kind of power brings us some rules which have to be obeyed. Such as having chastity in our looking, talking and acting.

Since human beings are living sociably, being pious not only affect on their own lives but also on the other’s. One of these social rules which plays an important role in all parts of the world is the term Hijab. Definitely a person, who has a complete cover, can live and work mentally and physically in a safe position and he/she also helps the society to be in a safe situation as well.

Some of the rules in each society are directly related to all of the citizens and some of them are only associated with each of the members. Personal rules as an example, having our seat belts on, is a rule which aims only at our own lives but hijab is such a social rule needs to be granted whether we are a man or a woman. Some people believe that the concept of hijab must be only dedicated by women. Opposing to this idea, we have to say that men can also have this kind of hijab in their looking and in the way they behave.

Having a healthy society, we must increase this culture and also inform people of its benefits. As a matter of fact kind of society can improve, in which the citizens can think healthily. It is achieved by a soothed mind and a wealthy culture. In this society all of the members in different parts can trust each other easily without any fear of being abused.

As it is mentioned above, we, as portions of our society should respect the others and we must try to make our country as a place in which all of the people feel safe. This is a palpable process if we let ourselves think about the others more.